Employer Registration
  • 1 Employer Information
  • 2 Address Information
  • 3 Profile
  • 4 Agreements
  • 5 Submit
 Employer Information
  Address of New Mexico Location
  Mailing Address
  Primary User Information
  Security Questions
  Profile Password

Security Agreement

Use of New Mexico's electronic Work Opportunity Tax Credit (E-WOTC) application management system requires your agreement with the following TERMS AND CONDITIONS. If you are unable to certify or agree, as applicable, to each of these terms and conditions, you must instead comply with the terms and conditions applicable to mailing paper applications to the New Mexico WOTC unit.
1.) I certify that each electronic application I submit will be documented with an original, signed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 8850 and Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Form 9061.
2.) I agree to be responsible for retaining each original, signed IRS Form 8850 and ETA Form 9061 I submit and for providing the applicable form to the IRS in the case of an audit.
3.) I agree to upload any required supporting documentation to the E-WOTC system.
4.) I agree to monitor the status of each application that I submit in the E-WOTC system.
5.) I understand that I will be responsible for printing my own determination letters for each application that I submit through the E-WOTC system.
6.) I understand that my unique login ID and password constitutes my electronic signature on each application that I submit through the E-WOTC system.
7.) I understand that I am required to make the declaration contained in the perjury statement on IRS Form 8850 and that by submitting these applications as a batch file, I am making that declaration for each application that I submit within the batch.
1. Employer Information
2. Address Information
3. Profile Information
4. Security Agreement

If you are ready to submit your account registration request, click the Submit button or click the Previous button to review your account information.